Facebook gay pride symbol

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If you want to add the rainbow flag to your reactions, it's super simple. More than '12 million people across the globe are part of one of the 76,000 Facebook Groups in support of the LGBTQ community, and more than 1.5 million people plan to participate in one of the more than 7,500 Pride events on Facebook,' Alex Schultz, Facebook’s vice president and executive sponsor of said in a press release.

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In the Trump era, it's more important than ever for people to band together to show support for all aspects of human rights, and this little rainbow reaction is one way to do that. Here's how to get the Facebook Pride reaction to virtually show your love for the LGBTQ community. June is Pride Month, and you may have noticed your friends using a new reaction to show their support. One of the benefits of social media is its ability to unite people, globally, around a single cause or celebration.

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